Videography and Filmmaking

Stories told on screen.

Based in North Wales, Rural and Outdoor provides commercial creative videography and filmmaking services to clients across the UK.


Video is a vital tool for storytelling and marketing in the modern age. While a picture is worth a thousand words – a brand film, promotional video or even an ‘explainer’ video can bring the viewer into that story.


We have been producing video content for nearly 10 years now, building on our extensive experience in commercial and outdoor photography and meeting the growing demand for high-quality video content.

Our work ranges from brand story films and online learning through to social media clips and footage supplied to other productions.

We can deliver every stage of video production, from storyboards and initial concept through to editing and delivery.


Professional video production is an intensive and complex process – but we can help you streamline that process and create content that is not only right for you – but right for your brand, your organisation and your audience.